MoreBeer! Pro is the exclusive USA distributor of Viking Malt. Viking has a great European history dating back five family generations to 1883. They are the largest producer of specialty malt in the world, with ten roasters. Many other brands of malt contract Viking to roast their specialty malts. Viking is overall the 9th largest malt producer with an average annual production around 600,000 tons. They operate six malt houses in Northern Europe and their largest customer is the famous Carlsberg brewery.
Great Selection, Great Quality
Enjoy premium Northern European malt with large kernal size, low protein levels, low dmsp, and high extract at a cost similar to domestic malts. Viking only sources non GMO modified barley from local farmers located close to their six malting houses. Additionally, the cold winters of Northern Europe provide a natural pest reduction, greatly lessening the need to use chemical pesticides. For further information on Viking malt we encourage you to download and read our .pdf below.
Great Value
It is important to understand that Viking is truly top quality malt that is only available at such a great price because of their large scale and MoreBeer! Pro's ability to efficiently import directly into two warehouses on both sides of the country. We are not shipping malt between warehouses in the USA which keeps costs down.
Viking Null-Lox Malts stops Trans-2-nonenal, Slow Staling
Viking is also known for growing the malt varietal Charles, a null-lox malt. Null-lox malts do not contain the enzyme lipoxygenase (lox) which leads to trans-2-nonenal in aged beer. Trans-2-nonenal is responsible for beer staling and the associated flavors of cardboard and paper. For any breweries bottling, canning, or shipping kegs outside of refrigeration this is a great bonus.
The value of these malts is tremendous. The quality is world class and the price is super competitive.
Many breweries have won medals at GABF/World Cup of Beer using Viking since we introduced the malt into the North American market.
Click here, to view the Viking Malt Hall of Fame